Mahmoud Khaled (محمود خالد)
Mahmoud [/maħmuːd/] in Arabic means “The praised one”, “Worthy of reverence” or “Commendable”.
I have always been fascinated by finding out how things work and creating something from nothing. That feeling when you know that you built something that solves a problem or makes someone’s life more enjoyable.
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg (M.Sc)
Oct. 2019
Cyber-Physical Systems
Artificial Intelligence
Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport (B.Sc)
Sep. 2016 - Jun. 2019
Computer Science
Software Engineering
Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University (B.Eng)
Sep. 2011 - May 2016
Production Engineering
Modeling Security Controls and System Assets As Autonomous Planning Tasks
Sep. 2022
7th GI/ACM I4.0 Workshop on Industrial Automation and Control Systems